Check in on my little brother:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This is Karsen's loose tooth. No, it is not a crooked tooth, it is so loose that it is twisted around so you can see underneath it. It doesn't stay like this all the time. Most of the time it either is pushed back really far so she looks snaggle toothed or it just dangles there and looks really out of place. It has been this way since Sunday... today is Wednesday. She will not pull it and will not let me pull it. Needless to stay "the tooth" is pretty gross...

The good news in "the tooth" saga is that Karsen had her picture retakes yesterday (we won't talk about the 1st pictures... we'll just say they were allowed to play outside right before they took them) which means the there will forever be record of "the tooth".

It's all pretty funny, really. I am just really worried that it will either fall out while she is eating her lunch at school and she will swallow it or it will fall out in her sleep and she will choke on it. Is that a serious danger? Can a child choke on a tooth in their sleep?

1 comment:

Adam Shingleton said...

I force her to pull it out. Just grab her and pull out. It will be over quick and then the tooth fairy will come! Is that mean?