Check in on my little brother:

Monday, April 20, 2009


Today Karsen had 2 bottom baby teeth removed and a frenectomy. That is where they cut the skin the holds the upper lip down. Karsen's came down between her front teeth so they cut it back and cut some more tissue that was holding her lip down... I had to look at the wall the whole time, it was pretty gross when they were cutting and stitching... She was so brave the whole time. She never cried once. I was so proud of what a great little patient she is!!
Now she gets to eat ice cream and pudding and stay in bed and watch tv all day!


Karsen had her first grade play on Thursday. They were all so cute. Here is a little clip from one of her little routines. Karsen is on the far right with the 2 french braids in front of the sign language teacher.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Karsen's Goal

Since Tate was home from the hospital, Karsen's #1 goal has been to be able to hold him standing up and walk with him. I have no idea why this is something that is so important to her but it is. She finally got to do it today. Here is proof that she reached her goal. Here she is holding Tate fresh out of the bath!